학계 새소식
TOC: Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3 / 2 (2017)
관리자 2017.03.09 1123

Publisher: John Benjamins


Journal Title: Cognitive Linguistic Studies Volume
Number: 3 Issue Number: 2 Issue Date:

Main Text:

2016. iii, 192 pp.

Table of Contents


Cross-domain variation in the X itself
as a grammatical construction Kim Ebensgaard Jensen 177 – 206

The notion of gradation in meaning: An
inquiry in Cognitive Grammar Zeki Hamawand 207 – 232

Chinese as satellite-framed: A
constructional-cognitive interpretation Ronald Fong 233 – 258

Cross-linguistic categorization of
throwing events: A behavioral approach Haoshu Wang and Helena Hong Gao 259 –

A variational approach to deliberate
metaphors Dennis Tay 277 – 298

Metaphor and metonymy interaction
patterns in Modern Greek Paraskevi Thomou 299 – 315

A cognitive linguistic approach to
Dholuo sexual euphemisms and dysphemisms Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo and Cellyne A.
Anudo 316 – 346

Evaluating the relative effects of
cognitive approach with 3D content and non-cognitive approach on the
development of EFL learners’ knowledge about the different degrees of sureness
Masahiro Takimoto 347 – 368

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science





Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin

English (eng)

German (deu)

Japanese (jpn)

Luo (luo)
