학계 새소식
Calls: General Linguistics/UK
관리자 2017.03.09 1187

Full Title: Linguistics Association of
Great Britain Annual Meeting 2017 Short Title: LAGB 2017

Date: 04-Sep-2017 - 07-Sep-2017

Location: Canterbury, Kent, United
Kingdom Contact Person: Michelle Sheehan Meeting Email:
Web Site:

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics

Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2017

Meeting Description:

In September 2017, the annual meeting of
the Linguistics Association of Great Britain will be held at on the campus of
the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. Lisa Matthewson (University of
British Columbia) will give the Henry Sweet Lecture 2017 and Charles Yang
(University of Pennsylvania)will give the Linguistics Association Lecture 2017.
There will also be a language tutorial in Huave (isolate, Mexico) by Yuni Kim
(Manchester University), and a workshop on a topic to be confirmed as well as
an associated summer school. Further
details are available via the conference website:


2nd Call for Papers & Sessions:

LAGB 2017:

The LAGB welcomes submissions on any
topic in the field of linguistics. We particularly welcome papers from areas of
linguistics that have not been well represented in previous meetings in order
to capture the diversity of linguistics research currently undertaken in the UK
and beyond.

All abstracts will be
blind-peer-reviewed by an international committee of reviewers. Both members
and non-members are invited to offer papers for the meeting. The length for papers delivered at the LAGB
2016 meeting is 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes' discussion).

The deadline for submissions is Saturday
1 April 2017. Notification of acceptance will be made in late May 2017.

Abstracts can be submitted to be
included in the general sessions or as part of a themed session (see website
for details).

Call for individual papers:

Individual papers will be considered for
presentation in the general session.

Abstracts must be no longer than two A4
pages with margins of at least 2.5cm on all sides. Only the first two pages of
any abstract submitted will be considered – no appendices or separate pages for
references can be accepted.

If the formatting instructions are not
followed the abstract may not be considered. You may use single spacing, with
type no smaller than 12 points in Times New Roman font. **Please note that
these specifications have changed compared with previous years.

Abstracts must be submitted anonymously
and should include no indication of the author’s identity. The submitted files
should be in PDF format. Any phonetic characters should either be embedded in
the PDF file, or be in the Doulos SIL font, which can be downloaded for free
from this site:

Should your abstract be successful, you will be asked to submit a named version
to be made available part of an online abstract booklet.

Bursaries for student members:

At least five bursaries are available
for student/unwaged presenters at LAGB 2017. These will be awarded on a
meritocratic basis to the five (or more) most highly rated abstracts by
students/unwaged members. Authors will be asked when submitting their abstract
whether they wish to be considered for a bursary, and to indicate whether they
are a student or unwaged.

How to submit an abstract:

Each person is permitted to submit a
maximum of one single-authored and one joint-authored paper, or two
joint-authored papers. All abstracts should be submitted electronically using
EasyChair, which can be accessed at the following address:
