최근 프로그램
2018학년도 1학기 3월 월례 발표회 일정표 및 초록
관리자 2018.03.08 1036

한국언어정보학회 2018학년도 1학기 3 월례 발표회 일정표
(발표 순서는 발표자 선생님들의 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.)








김은아 (서울대)

The Role of Verb Argument Structure in L2 English Sentence Processing by Korean Learners




정은선 ∙ 이은경
(서울시립대 ∙ 연세대)

Morpho-Syntactic Processing of Korean Case Markers

Break (10)


강상구 (청주대)

The Effect of Grammar in the Mental Simulation of Bilinguals


이용훈 김지혜

Experimental Data and Deep Learning: Subjecthood Tests in Korean

[3월 첫번째] The Role of Verb Argument Structure in L2 English Sentence Processing by Korean Learners
Eunah Kim (Seoul National University)

This study examines second language (L2) sentence processing with focus on the question of whether advanced Korean learners of English immediately use verb argument structure information to compute wh-dependencies. Thirty-two Korean learners and 24 native speakers of English participated in an online implausibility detection task. Participants read English sentences region by region and indicated whether the sentences were plausible or not at each region. Two manipulated factors were the thematic fit between the wh-phrase and the Theme role assigned by the verb (e.g., I wonder which book the child read in bed at night. vs. I wonder which food the child read in bed at night.) and the argument structure of the embedded verbs (e.g., transitive verbs, dative verbs, and object control verbs). The results showed that the timing of implausibility detection by native speakers differed depending on the verb type, suggesting that native speakers immediately consider verb argument structure information in the initial stage of wh-processing as proposed by constraint-based lexicalist models (e.g., McDonald, Maryellen, Pearlmutter, & Seidenberg, 1994; cf, Frazier, 2013; Rayner, Carlson, & Frazier 1983). Korean learners also showed evidence of sensitivity to the verb argument structure information, but their ability to incorporate this information seems to be limited as compared to native speakers of English. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of the mechanisms and strategies L2 learners resort to while processing sentences in the L2.

[3월 두번째]
Morpho-syntactic processing of Korean case-markers
Eun Seon Chung (University of Seoul)
Eun-Kyung Lee (Yonsei University)

This study examines whether the mental representation of sentences contains a morphological representation of case marking, using a priming technique. Thirty-six native Korean speakers listened to and repeated spoken prime sentences and described visually presented target pictures. The prime sentences were manipulated for the presence of an accusative case-marker -lul/-ul. To investigate whether the previously reported animacy effects on case drop generalizes to a different task, animacy of the direct object was also manipulated. The results showed that there was a stronger bias to produce the accusative case-marker when the direct object was animate than when the direct object was inanimate, replicating the previously reported animacy effects on accusative case drop (Lee 2006a, 2006b; Chung 2013) in a syntactic priming task. Furthermore, case marking on inanimate direct objects was influenced by whether or not the accusative case marker was produced earlier in the prime, providing evidence for the presence of an abstract representation of case marking.

[3월 세번째]
The Effect of Grammar in the Mental Simulation of Bilinguals
Sang-Gu Kang (Cheongju University)

The purpose of this study is to find supporting evidence for the role of grammar in mental simulation theory that claims that language comprehenders routinely activate perceptual images. Such simulation-based theory of language comprehension produces a straightforward behavioral prediction. If understanding language is indeed involved with activating the perceptual representations, language including a compatible or incompatible image can function as a prime to facilitate or inhibit the perception of an image that follows. Thus, this research probes whether mental simulations of Korean EFL users differ when comprehending Korean with honorifics and English without honorifics. Native Korean university students participated in an experiment deciding whether the picture of a person following a simple English and Korean sentence is a likely character in the given sentence. Their accuracy and response time are collected and analyzed. The analysis demonstrates that the participants came up with different level of specificity for the images in the mental simulation while comprehending two separate languages due to the presence and absence of a functional grammatical marker. The implication of this paper is that it provided a small piece of experimental evidence to argue for the role of grammar in mental simulation based on the comparison between two languages with different grammatical features.

[3월 네번째] Experimental Data and Deep Learning: Subjecthood Tests in Korean
Yong-hun Lee (Chungnam National University)
Ji-Hye Kim (Korea National University of Education)

Nowadays, as the techniques in machine learning and deep learning develop, there have been some trials which apply those techniques in the study of language and natural language processing. This paper shows how deep-learning technique can be applied to experimental data so that the constructed language model can predict some interesting properties of natural languages.
This paper takes the data sets in six subjecthood tests in Korean (Kim et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2015; and Kim et al., 2017) and makes a language model with a deep neural network (DNN). After converting the z-scores into the scores between 0 and 100, the scores are classified into 10 groups (0-10, 11-20, ..., 91-100). Then, a DNN model is constructed where the converted 10 groups of scores are the output category and the other linguistic features become input values. The input values include types of diagnostic tests, Case markers, SSC vs. MSC, presence/absence of diagnostics, animacy of the subjects, and so on. From the constructed model, predicted scores will be calculated for each sentence when such and such linguistic environments are satisfied. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate how to use DNNs to uncover some interesting properties of natural languages using experimental data and deep learning.

Kim, J., Y. Lee and E. Kim. 2015. Obligatory Control and Coordinated Deletion as Korean Subject Diagnostics: An Experimental Approach. Language and Information 19:75-101.
Kim, J., Y. Lee, and E. Kim. 2017. Honorific Agreement and Plural Copying as Korean Subjecthood Diagnostics: An Experimental Approach. Studies in Modern Grammar 93:119-144.
Lee, Y., E. Kim and J. Kim. 2015. Reflexive Binding and Adjunct Control as Subject Diagnostics in Korean: An Experimental Approach. Studies in Language 31:427-449.
