최근 프로그램
2021학년도 2학기 12월 월례 발표회 일정표
관리자 2021.12.01 933



날짜: 2021 12 4()

장소: 온라인 비대면 ( https://jj.webex.com/jj/j.php?MTID=m88c8c4b878b19770e678c2f327001a29 )

I. 최소주의 이론 특강

1. 시간: 오전 9 ~ 오전 10:20

2. 발표자: 김광섭 (한국외국어대학교)

3. 주제: Minimalism and Percolation as a Last Resort

4. 초록: Chomsky (2013, 2015) proposes that labeling is minimal search. After pointing out empirical problems of Chomsky’s labeling algorithm, this paper proposes an alternative labeling algorithm based on ‘percolation as a last resort’. The major claim made in this presentation is that Feature [X] percolates as a last resort when a further operation involving [X] is impossible. This approach is shown to provide a principled account for labeling algorithm, pied-piping, and the distribution of negative PPs.

II. 실험통사론 발표

1. 시간: 오전 10:30 ~ 오전 11:50

2. 발표자: 김경민 (고려대학교)

3. 주제: Truth value judgment and acceptability studies in Korean

4. 초록: In this talk, we introduce Kim & Han (2016) and Han, Kim, Moulton & Jeffrey (2020) to show how truth-value judgment and acceptability judgment task experiments can be used to investigate syntactic phenomena in Korean.

Kim & Han (2016) explore the syntactic and interpretative properties of Korean third-person pronouns. There is no general consensus among previous studies regarding whether Korean third-person pronoun ku ‘he’ can be construed as a bound variable. Three interconnected experiments were conducted to explore this issue, and the findings demonstrated that some Korean speakers consistently accepted the quantificational binding of ku, while others consistently did not.

Han, Kim, Moulton & Jeffrey (2020) investigate the syntactic status of null objects (NOs). The identity of NOs in Korean has been viewed as (i) instances of NP ellipsis, (ii) the result of VP ellipsis after verb raising, or (iii) base-generated pro. We report results from two experiments supporting the argument ellipsis analysis for Korean. Experiment 1 builds on Kim & Han’s (2016) finding of inter-speaker variation in whether the pronoun ku can be bound by a quantifier. Results showed that a speaker’s acceptance of quantifier-bound ku positively correlates with acceptance of sloppy readings in NO sentences. We argue that an ellipsis account, in which the NO site contains internal structure hosting the pronoun, accounts for this correlation. Experiment 2, testing the recovery of adverbials in NO sentences, showed that only the object (not the adverb) can be recovered in the NO site, excluding the possibility of VP-ellipsis. Taken together, our findings suggest that NOs result from argument ellipsis in Korean.
